Our Work

Building resilience through evidence-based strategies and best practices: Learn about our evidence-driven approach and how we apply best practices to develop and implement

In the face of global challenges that have tested the resilience of societies worldwide, the Association for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRRCCA) has emerged as a steadfast advocate for building resilience and addressing the urgent issues confronting humanity. As we entered the year 2022, the world grappled with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and witnessed the resurgence of conflicts, such as the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, causing immense displacement and humanitarian crises. Concurrently, the effects of climate change have reached unprecedented proportions, threatening lives and livelihoods on an unprecedented scale.

Amidst these turbulent times, the DRRCCA has embraced a new Strategy for 2022-2030, embodying our commitment to assist national, regional, and global stakeholders in implementing three pivotal global frameworks: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement. Our aim is clear: to foster resilient societies capable of adapting to new risks and challenges, safeguarding the well-being of communities around the world.

Disaster Risk Reduction

At the Association for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRRCCA), we leverage a comprehensive approach to manage and reduce disaster risks. Our initiatives involve conducting extensive research, assessing potential hazards, and developing appropriate strategies to tackle the threats. In collaboration with the public sector, we offer advisory services on implementing cutting-edge, evidence-based solutions aimed at mitigating the risks associated with natural disasters and other hazards.

Climate Change Adaptation

As part of our commitment to tackling climate change, we strive to increase societal resilience by enabling effective adaptation measures. Our expert team conducts thorough analyses of climate vulnerabilities and identifies opportunities to enhance resilience to climate-induced threats. By advising the public sector on policy-making, infrastructure development, and community education, we aim to ensure a sustainable future with reduced climate vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Reduction

Understanding that vulnerability is a critical component of disaster risk, we have devised programs focused on reducing it. Our efforts include helping communities understand their vulnerabilities, empowering them to make changes, and assisting public sectors in crafting policies that lessen vulnerability to hazards.

Increasing Resilience

Resilience lies at the core of our work at DRRCCA. We advise the public sector on how to build communities that can withstand, adapt to, and recover from disasters quickly and efficiently. Our interventions revolve around strengthening infrastructures, bolstering economic stability, and enhancing societal capacities.

Sustainable Development Approach

The DRRCCA promotes sustainable development as a critical factor in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. We believe that long-term planning and environmentally friendly practices can help limit the negative impacts of hazards. Our strategies integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into development planning and decision-making processes, ensuring a balanced and sustainable growth path for all.

Through our work, we uphold our commitment to safeguarding communities from disaster risks and climate change impacts, and towards a future where sustainability is at the heart of development. We invite you to explore our initiatives and join us in creating a resilient and sustainable world.

Engage, Inspire, Transform

Join us in igniting hope and taking meaningful action to reduce risks, combat climate change, and build resilient communities. Through our comprehensive approach, including risk assessment, preparedness, early warning systems, and sustainable development initiatives, we create lasting impact. Together, let’s shape a future where communities thrive, ecosystems flourish, and well-being is protected.

Our Mission

Together, we conquer disasters and climate change


Knowledge driven resilience with trusted references


Empowering Communities with Global Frameworks