IPA DRAM (Programme for Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping)
IPA DRAM program provides technical assistance to public institutions of partner countries in applying risk mapping methodology and in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive, to cover at least 3 main hazards of earthquakes, floods and forest fires, identified in risk assessment in countries of the region (BiH, Serbia and Montenegro)
Coperation with: Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Federal Department of Civilian Protection; Civil Protection Administration, Republica Srpska Government
The ERRA IPA DRAM projects included:
- Defined schemes and hierarchies of institutions in data collection and delivery
- Research of the legal framework and conditions of technical data: data type, data format etc
- Preparation of a technical standard in the sharing data
- Scenarios, vulnerability studies
- Risk maps from existing studies at national/entity/local level
- A catalogue containing a collection of Disaster Loss Data
- A list of baseline layers and core risk data
- A catalogue for metadata
- Data from regional initiatives and programmes > Arnela DOC: The Program is structured into two components: Component 1 – Floods and Component 2 – Forest-fires
By fostering regional cooperation and exchange of good practices, the IPA Floods and Fires implementing Consortium collaborates with the local authorities of civil protection and other relevant local agencies and institutions to improve the legal and institutional framework related to the EU floods directive (EUFD), and institutional coordination among all the actors involved in the EUFD implementation, and to improve prevention, preparedness and capacity to respond to forest fires at central, regional and EU level.
Activities will include workshops, trainings, table-top and field exercises, exchange of experts, procurement of ground forest firefighting equipment and awareness raising campaigns.