About us

Dedicated to empowering communities and driving sustainable progress for a safer and brighter future.

Symbolically founded on the 13th of October 2011, which marks the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Association for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRRCCA) stands as a voluntary, professional, independent, non-partisan, non-governmental, and non-profit organization.

Our experts brings a wealth of experience and expertise in project and stakeholder management, making them a valuable asset to our organization. With a strong background in disaster risk assessment and planning, they possess the skills necessary to navigate complex risk landscapes and develop comprehensive strategies for risk management. Their knowledge spans across various domains, including disaster risk reduction (DRR), sustainable development goals (SDG), and climate change adaptation (CCA), ensuring an integrated approach to tackling the challenges at hand.

When it comes to early warning systems, our experts is well-versed in implementing robust mechanisms that provide timely and accurate information to at-risk populations. They also possess extensive experience in drafting legislation and planning documents, ensuring that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are integrated into legal frameworks. Furthermore, their expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and adherence to the INSPIRE directive enable efficient data management, spatial analysis, and planning.

Our Values

Our values are inherent in our organizational identity:


As an independent entity, we provide unbiased advice, free from political or corporate influence, ensuring that the strategies we propose are solely in the best interest of society.


Our professional team comprises experienced and dedicated experts from various fields related to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, bringing a comprehensive perspective to our work.

Voluntary Commitment

We believe in the power of voluntary action to bring about change. Our team’s dedication to voluntarily offering their expertise is testament to our commitment to this mission.


We are committed to delivering high-quality services and strive for excellence in all aspects of our work.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency, accountability, and honesty in our actions and interactions.


We believe in the power of collaboration and actively seek partnerships with institutions, organizations, and stakeholders to maximize our collective impact.


We embrace innovation and continuously explore new approaches, technologies, and solutions to address the evolving challenges of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.


We empower individuals, communities, and decision-makers with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to make informed choices and take effective actions to reduce disaster risk and enhance resilience.

Our Approach

Our evidence-based approach combines expertise, stakeholder engagement, and technology to develop tailored solutions for partners and communities. We prioritize inclusivity and local knowledge to ensure effective interventions in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

Our Impact

At DRRCCA, we are dedicated to creating a lasting impact on communities worldwide. Through our work in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, we have witnessed tangible results that have transformed the lives of individuals and enhanced community resilience.

DRRCCA is more than just an organization; we are a community committed to building a safer and more resilient world. Join us on this journey and let’s make a difference together.

Building a Safer, Resilient World Together

Join DRRCCA in building a safer, resilient world through collaboration. Together, we create a sustainable future, strengthening communities, mitigating risks, and adapting to a changing climate. Let’s build a resilient world where disasters are minimized and lives are protected. Join us today!

Our Mission

Together, we conquer disasters and climate change

Our Vision

Resilient society through sustainable development

Our work

From risk assessment to implementation